2023 Back To School
Computer Drive
Filiorum has a goal to provide 200 systems for the upcoming school year to children in need of computers for their education or to organizations that support children’s education.
Contact our director, Emix Dial, at for more details on how to donate.
Our Mission
Assisting children and families in need by providing equal access to technology.
We partner with schools and organizations who support the advancement of children’s education. We then identify if these organizations have a need for updated or new technology
Donors may have outdated systems for their needs, but are still viable for use by schools and organizations who support our children’s educational advancements. While new systems are ideal, Filiorum accepts all forms of donations.
Systems received from donors are cleaned and refurbished. Any existing hard drive data is securely destroyed and not reused once the systems are donated. All donations deemed outdated or damaged beyond use are properly sent to an e-waste facility.
Refurbished and cleaned systems are donated to schools, organizations, and individuals who support the education of children.
Based on a 2018 study by the Pew Research Center
25% of children from lower income families do not have access to a home computer.
Many of these children are unable to complete their homework due to the lack of a reliable computer or internet connection.
Follow us on our social media pages to stay informed on our projects as well as updated research with regards to the use of technology and its impact on our children.
Many times a computer which is many years old just needs a little cleaning or minimal repair. Even a simple upgrade can sometimes bring a computer back to a working condition.
Consider donating your older computers to our cause. We also work with other organizations to assist you with your e-waste and securely wiping the data from your hard drive.
We are looking for corporate partners and community donations in receiving and refurbishing old computers.
Many children and families are without the means to the necessary technology needed to keep up with the educational demands required to prepare them for future job opportunities.
If you have older computers or electronics which you would generously like to gift to a child in need, please contact Emix Dial at
If you would like to assist our cause with a financial donation, please click on the DONATE button below.
Contact Us
For more information about our organization, please contact us by phone or email.
2309 Torrance Blvd.
Suite 205
Torrance, CA 90501